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Javierre Lab


Welcome to the Javierre laboratory!



We are a group of passionate scientists with an insatiable thirst for learning about spatio-temporal organization of the genome.



Our group, at the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute (IJC), combines cutting-edge experimental and computational approaches to understand the specific 3D chromatin organization of hematopoietic cells and its alteration in blood cancers. Our long-term goal is to keep taking steps forwards in the fight against cancer.  We will be unstoppable until we cure it. To do so, we have established a close collaboration with the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) and we have the privilege of using the MareNostrum supercomputer.








Almost every cell in our body has about 2 metres of linear DNA containing all the genes that shape our being. This DNA, which is the same in almost every cell, is not randomly packed into the nucleus that measures a few microns in diameter, and the manner in which it is wrapped plays a fundamental role in regulating genome expression.  In fact, this can partially explain how cells encoding the same genetic information are phenotypically and functionally different.



The main research goals of our lab are:

1. Defining the cell type-specific 3D chromatin organization in blood cells.

2. Identifying the altered DNA topology in blood cancer.

3. Describing new candidate genes and pathways related to malignant transformation.

Welcome: Investigación
Células madre embrionarias

1. Hematopoiesis

All blood cells originate from hematopoietic stem cells, which are the apex of a differentiation cascade of progenitor cell types that give rise to billions of newly differentiated cells every day. Hematopoiesis is essential for the immune response, and its alteration can give rise to the development of cancer, immunodeficiency, allergy and autoimmunity. Despite its clinical relevance,  hematopoiesis is not completely understood. We aim to apply integrative omics approach to better understand this physiological process.



Welcome: Miembros del laboratorio

Biola M. Javierre

Group Leader

Born in 1983 in Huesca (Spain), Biola studied Biology and Biochemistry at the University of Navarra (2006) and received her PhD in Molecular Biology (Epigenetics) from the Autonomous University of Madrid in 2011, where she worked under the supervision of Dr.  Manel Esteller and Dr. Esteban Ballestar at the CNIO.  She performed her postdoctoral training in Chromatin Dynamics (Peter Fraser Laboratory) in Cambridge (UK) from 2012 to 2017. Since March 2018, Biola is Junior PI at the Josep Carreras Reseach Center (IJC), first as Ramon y Cajal Fellow, and then as Junior PI La Caixa. In addition, Biola is part of the Bioinfo4Women Program at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center. In 2019, UNESCO and L’Oréal Women in Science Foundation recognised Biola as one out of the fifteen most promising young women scientists worldwide.


Biola loves running although she has not time because of her little trouble makers.



Last 5 years. For the complete list click HERE.

MAX-mutant small cell lung cancers exhibit impaired activities of MGA-dependent non-canonical polycomb repressive complex

Llabata P, Torres-Diz M, Gomez A, Tomas-Daza L, […]  Javierre BM, Zhang X, Sanchez-CespedesM.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021


Variation in PU.1 binding and chromatin looping at neutrophil enhancers influences autoimmune disease susceptibility

Watt S, Vasquez L, Walter K, Mann AL, Kundu K, Chen L, Yan Y, Ecker S, Burden F, Farrow S, Farr B, Iotchkova V, Elding H, Mead D, Tardaguila M, Ponstingl H, Richardson D, Datta A, Flicek P, Clarke L, Downes K, Pastinen T, Fraser, P, Frontini M, Javierre BM #, Spivakov M#, Soranzo N#.

Nat Commun. 2021


The genome in a three-dimensional context: deciphering the contribution of noncoding mutations at enhancers to blood cancer

Llorenç Rovirosa-Mulet, Alberto Ramos-Morales & Javierre BM#

Front Immunol. 2020


From Loops to Looks: Transcription Factors and Chromatin Organization Shaping Terminal B Cell Differentiation

Azagra A, Marina-Zarate E, Ramiro AR, Javierre BM# and Parra M#.

Trends Immunol. 2019


B-cell leukemia transdifferentiation to macrophage involves reconfiguration of DNA methylation for long-range regulation

Bueno-Costa A, Piñeyro D, Soler M, Javierre BM Raurel-Vila H, Subirana_Granés M, Pasquali L, Martinez-Climent JA, Esteller M

Leukemia. 2019


Human pancreatic islet three-dimensional chromatin architecture provides insights into the genetics of type 2 diabetes

Miguel-Escalada I, Bonàs-Guarch S, Cebola I, Ponsa-Cobas J, Mendieta-Esteban J, Atla G, Javierre BM, Rolando DMY, Farabella I, Morgan CC, García-Hurtado J, et al.

Nat Genet. 2019


Promoter Capture HiC: High-resolution, Genome-wide Profiling of Promoter Interactions

Schoenfelder S*#, Javierre BM*#, Furlan-Magaril M, Wingett SW & Fraser P#.

J. Vis. Exp. 2018


Promoter interactome of human embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes connects GWAS regions to cardiac gene networks

Choy M, Javierre BM, Williams SG, Baross SL, Liu Y, Wingett SW, Akbarov A, Wallace C, Freire-Pritchett P, Rugg-Gunn PJ, Spivakov M, Fraser P & Keavney BD.

Nat Commun. 2018


The reference epigenome and regulatory chromatin landscape of chronic lymphocytic leukemia

Beekman R, Chapaprieta V, Russiñol N, Vilarrasa-Blasi R, Verdaguer-Dot N, Martens JHA, Duran-Ferrer M. Kulis M, Serra F, Javierre BM, Wintgett SW, Clot G, Queirós AC, et al.

Nat Med. 2018.


Long-Range Enhancer Interactions Are Prevalent in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells and Are Reorganized upon Pluripotent State Transition

Novo CL, Javierre BM, Cairns J, Segonds-Pichon A, Wingett SW, Freire-Pritchett P, Furlan-Magaril M, Schoenfelder S, Fraser P & Rugg-Gunn PJ.

Cell Rep. 2018.


Chromosome contacts in activated T cells identify autoimmune disease-candidate genes

Burren OS*, Rubio-García A*, Javierre BM*, Rainbow DB*, Cairns J, Cooper NJ, Lambourne JJ, Schofield E, Castro-Dopico X, Ferreira RC, Coulson R, Burden F, et al.

Genome Biol. 2017.


Platelet function is modified by common sequence variation in megakaryocyte super enhancers

Petersen R*, Lambourne JJ*, Javierre BM*, Grassi L*, Kreuzhuber R, Ruklisa D, Rosa IM, Tomé AR, Elding H, van Geffen JP, Jiang T, Farrow S, Cairns J, Al-Subaie AM, et al.

Nat Commun. 2017.


Dynamic rewiring of promoter-anchored chromatin loops during adipocyte differentiation

Siersbæk R*, Madsen JGS*, Javierre BM*, Nielsen R, Bagge EK, Cairns J, Wingett SW, Traynor S, Spivakov M, FraseR P & Mandrup S

Mol Cell. 2017


Genome wide mapping of long range contacts unveils DNA Double Strand Breaks clustering at damaged active genes

Aymard F, Aguirrebengoa M, Guillou E, Javierre BM, Bugler B, Arnould C, Rocher V, Iacovoni J, Biernacka A, Ginalski K, Rowicka-Kudlicka M, Pasero P, Fraser P & Legube G

Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2017


Lineage-Specific Genome Architecture Links Enhancers and Non-coding Disease Variants to Target Gene Promoters

Javierre BM, Burren OS, Wilder SP, Kreuzhuber R, Hill SM, Sewitz S, Cairns J, Wingett SW, Várnai C, Thiecke MJ, Burden F, Farrow S, Cutler AJ, Rehnström K, Downes K, et al.

Cell. 2016


The International Human Epigenome Consortium: A Blueprint for Scientific Collaboration and Discovery

Stunnenberg HG; International Human Epigenome Consortium & Hirst M

Cell. 2016


Integrating epigenomic data and 3D genomic structure with a new measure of chromatin assortativity

Pancaldi V, Carrillo-de-Santa-Pau E, Javierre BM, Juan D, Fraser P, Spivakov M, Valencia A & Rico D

Genome Biol. 2016


CHiCAGO: robust detection of DNA looping interactions in Capture Hi-C data

Cairns J, Freire-Pritchett P, Wingett SW, Várnai C, Dimond A, Plagnol V, Zerbino D, Schoenfelder S, Javierre BM, Osborne C, Fraser P & Spivakov M

Genome Biol. 2016


IL-4 orchestrates STAT6-mediated DNA demethylation leading to dendritic cell differentiation

Vento-Tormo R, Company C, Rodríguez-Ubreva J, de la Rica L, Urquiza JM, Javierre BM, Sabarinathan R, Luque A, Esteller M, Aran JM, Álvarez-Errico D & Ballestar E.

Genome Biol. 2016.


Polycomb repressive complex PRC1 spatially constrains the mouse embryonic stem cell genome

Schoenfelder S*, Sugar R*, Dimond A*, Javierre BM*, Armstrong H*, Mifsud B, Dimitrova E, Matheson L, Tavares-Cadete F, Furlan-Magaril M, Segonds-Pichon A, et al.

Nat Genet. 2015


Comparison of Hi-C results using in-solution versus in-nucleus ligation

Nagano T, Várnai C, Schoenfelder S, Javierre BM, Wingett SW & Fraser P.

Genome Biol. 2015


The pluripotent regulatory circuitry connecting promoters to their long-range interacting elements

Schoenfelder S, Furlan-Magaril M, Mifsud B, Tavares-Cadete F, Sugar R, Javierre BM, Nagano T, Katsman Y, Sakthidevi M, Wingett SW, Dimitrova E, Dimond A, et al.

Genome Res. 2015



* Equally contributed, # Corresponding Author

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Hello World!


12th March 2020 


Today we launch the group's  website. You can also follow as on Twitter @JavierreLab or @BiolaMJavierre

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We are currently seeking enthusiastic new members, so if you are interested in studying chromatin organization, please contact us. We offer a friendly, collaborative atmosphere and direct one-to-one supervision.


Our lab is located at the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute (IJC) in Badalona, Barcelona, Spain.

IJC Building, Campus ICO-Germans Trias i Pujol
Ctra de Can Ruti, Camí de les Escoles s/n
08916 Badalona, Barcelona

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